酸葡萄Sour Grapes

【作者:取材自Catechetical Help 顧美芬譯剪下一方暖和--喻道小故事 2012.03.25

A boy often visited his grandparent's farm during the summer. He loved to wander around in the large back yard and nearby woods, and to eat the grapes growing in the garden. Many times he would pick the grapes to see if they were ripe. They usually were not. And he would return to the house, sit down at the table, and ask his grandmother to help him get rid of the sour taste in his mouth. Her answer was always the same. She would give the boy a swallow of wine. It was sweet and took care of the problem without clashing with the sour grape taste. It simply removed it and brought refreshment.

Jesus has a similar, but greater, cure. When we have been eating the "sour grapes" of our sinful thoughts and actions and want to be forgiven, He invites us to His table. He removes our sin and guilt by giving us His bread and wine. He covers our many failures to renew us and strengthen us for living. He frees us from the bitterness of our disobedience and foolishness. We are new creations.

1. wine 葡萄酒
2. clash 衝突
3. strengthen 堅固
4. disobedience 悖逆、不順服




1. 當我們做錯事或得罪了人,會很想除掉那種難過的感覺,通常會怎麼做?
2. 如果耶穌的偉大療法能讓我們的酸味苦味變成甜味,你願意嚐嚐看嗎?

about 【剪下一方暖和】專欄譯者:顧美芬
