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银杯重现 Reappeared Silver Cup

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One day in the laboratory of a famous scientist, a valuable silver cup was accidentally dropped into a vat of acid. Immediately the silver cup disintegrated , dissolving into the acid. The person who dropped the cup was frantic , but the great scientist knew that silver was still present in the vat, hidden among the minute particles of the liquid acid. After pouring the right chemicals into the acid, the silver quickly began to appear in the solution. It was then gathered together and sent to a silversmith with a careful description of the original cup. In a few days, the cup reappeared in the laboratory, ready to be used and appreciated for its value again.


Vat 大桶子
Disintegrate 溶解
Frantic 发狂似的
Minute 微小




about 【剪下一方暖和】专栏译者:顾美芬